Forward Fest: From Side Hustle to Small Business

June 27, 2023

Venue Info

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Have you been thinking about turning your hobby into a business, but aren’t sure where to start? Do you have a side hustle that’s grown and you want to explore next steps? Are you interested in learning more about how to explore a business idea you have?

This session will teach you how to use a visual business planning tool call the Business Model Canvas. This tool will help you understand how 9 functional areas of business work together to create a model of operation that can help you determine whether it is time to take the leap to full-time. The class will also give you information about resources and next steps.

Register for free here.

This no-cost session is being hosted as part of Forward Fest 2023! Learn more about all of the sessions offered for entrepreneurs – and register for the full Forward Fest event – at