If you are interested in or currently involved in projects that positively impact the region's vitality or economy, this is the space for you.
By building relationships and staying connected on our work and passions, we will help advance our region's community and economic vitality.
Join us to develop professional and personal connections with women working in community and economic development in Iron Range communities! This will be an informal networking event. Beverages and bar pizza are available for purchase, and there is no charge for attending. Our gathering will be on the banquet side of the venue on the west side of the bar.
We invite you to bring a friend, colleague, or acquaintance that might be new to the region or new to their role in economic or community development. We look forward to welcoming both new and familiar faces and will have nametags available at the event.
This event is a woman-focused event that intends an inclusive definition of women. We are welcoming and respectful of women, including trans women and those who are nonbinary, gender non-conforming, and anyone who identifies as a woman in a way that is significant to them. We also welcome allies who are committed to creating environments that are supportive of people who are typically underrepresented in the fields of economic and community development.