The mission of the inaugural Mille Lacs Tribal Economy Summit is to build community energy around a shared vision of an inclusive, purposeful, and innovative tribal economy through four overall objectives. 1. Celebrate the shared well-being and successes within the Mille Lacs Tribal Economy. 2. Rally the region’s major economic development stakeholders around the common goals of job creation, entrepreneurism, and increased prosperity. 3. Facilitate dialogue on the most important issues facing our economy. 4. Drive media coverage around Mille Lacs Tribal Economy’s commitment to attracting companies and creating an overall environment conducive to growth. We welcome entrepreneurs, business owners, residents, as well as public & elected officials of entities within the Mille Lacs Tribal Economy.
For reference, the Mille Lacs Tribal Economy includes the counties of Mille Lacs, Pine and Aitkin. As well as the cities of Vineland, Onamia, Wahkon, Isle, McGregor, Hinckley, and Sandstone.